As a way to learn D, I am writing a quick test setup for examining different
ways of passing data from one set of threads to another.  I am trying a few
kinds of queues (resizeable array with locking, linked list with locking and
lockfree with cas) and trying to also add message passing and then compare

Anyway, I'm running into an odd case where a thread fails to start.  The code
simply hangs in the Threadgroup.create(...) call. I am printing (with
unbuffered i/o) right before the call to "create" and then as soon as the
threadfunction starts so as far as I can tell, the "create" call is made but
the threadfunc never starts and "create" never returns.

It's repeatable but doesn't happen every time the queue is used. It happens
sometimes when the queue is locking and sometimes when it is lockfree. I'd be
happy to post code but for now I thought I'd just see if anyone can think of
why that might happen or can provide some ideas for how to debug it.

The code always starts the one consumer thread (via spawn. I'm learning!),
then loops over the producers and creates them in a threadgroup just so I can
do a "joinAll" to wait for them to finish.  Also, when the problem occurs,
it's always the first producer thread that fails.  I never get 2 out of 4
started, e.g.

I am truly enjoying learning D.  Coming from a C++ and C# background, it's a

Any ideas would be appreciated.



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