On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 15:15:27 -0500, so <s...@so.do> wrote:

On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 14:58:22 +0200, Steven Schveighoffer <schvei...@yahoo.com> wrote:

On Sat, 01 Jan 2011 10:59:47 -0500, so <s...@so.do> wrote:

This can be significantly shortened:


Wow, i didn't know that!
Could you point me to doc, please?




I know those 3, but they don't have much to do with your example, or most likely i didn't get it...

type of (&i)[0..1] is int[]. int[] is implicitly convertable to void[] per those rules, so there is no need to cast.

The original post implying that void[] would make things more difficult stated that with write taking a (void[]) argument instead of (void *, size_t length) you would have to write put like this:

void put(int i) {
        void *tmp = cast(void*)(&i);
        void[] arr = tmp[0..int.sizeof];

But you do not need to do this, all you need is what I wrote (which is actually simpler I think than the void*, size_t function).

That was my point. If there is something else you are looking for, maybe you can ask a different question?


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