On 13.01.2011 10:40, Jim wrote:
I don't want to make this Vim-specific, so I'm wondering what features are we 
missing in today's D editors/IDE's that other languages already have in their 

IDE with incremental compiler.
IDE has nothing to do with incremental linking. And besides the only advantage of incremental linking is slightly faster link time (which is pretty fast ATM).
Non-windows IDEs.
Last time on  linux I used Code::Blocks, there are also Descent and DDT.
Ddoc integration.
Not sure what you mean here.
Refactoring utilities.

Yup, useful, but hardly critical.
Template- and conditional-compilation-aware editing.

VisualD has it. Not used code paths in static conditional statements is slightly lighter, etc.
Inline error and warning messages.

Do You mean exact line and _column_ of error or what?

Dmitry Olshansky

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