On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 17:32:12 -0500, Andrew Wiley <debio...@gmail.com> wrote:

Here's another approach:
When you think about it, what we're after is tagging unit tests as code
examples, so why not do exactly that with annotations?

unittest {

It means there are no new keywords to worry about, and this feels more like
a job for metadata than a language feature to me. We'd probably have to
formalize adding parameters to annotations, but that's pretty much
inevitable if they're ever going to reach a useful state.

This changes the compiled language. A comment is safe to ignore, so it's not part of the compiled language, similar to how ddoc comments are not part of the compiled code. It fits perfectly with a ddoc comment.

Using a ddoc comment to trigger an example in ddoc feels perfectly correct. What I'd like to do is make it less repetitive.


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