Walter Bright napisał:

> bearophile wrote:
> > Walter:
> > 
> >> The reason that took so long was that few people were using DbC
> >> effectively, so it was a low priority. I originally had high hopes that DbC
> >> would produce dramatic improvements in code quality, but the real world
> >> results were disappointing.<
> > 
> > After many years and many failed hopes, I think there is no silver bullet in
> > programming, so maybe nothing is able to produce "dramatic improvements in
> > code quality".
> > 
> > But even if this is true, some things are able to improve coding a bit, like
> > unit testing, a well semantically defined language, syntax coloring, quick
> > compile-run cycles, OOP for certain kinds of programs, DbC, and so on. Each
> > of such things improve the situation only a little, but such improvements
> > pile up and most programmers when have tried them don't want to go back to
> > miss those things.
> Unit testing has produced a dramatic improvement in coding.

Yes, it's big. Funny that it's not really a technical change but a cultural one 
-- D just leaves no excuses to even the most stone-age programmers not to test 
their code.


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