On Sun, 30 Jan 2011 02:45:24 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:
I understand. I hope you also understand that your argument has only subjective basis, with you as the subject. You are literally only the second or third fellow coder to ever tell me such.

Well, for your statistics, let me be the forth. :) But honestly, this is mostly due to the fact I'm generally using a high-res monitor which doesn't rotate, so my editor is about 150-chars wide but vertically narrow. (and that I will routinely break my own style, if it makes the code more comprehensible/readable to me). Of course, one of the nice things about a 150-char editor, is the 'two column' layout of 'code here; // Comment/doc over here'.

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