On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 02:04:11 -0500, g g <g...@g.com> wrote:

IDK where to put this.

first thing:
Could it be a way to collapse Variants in std.variant?, like
Variant x = Variant(1)
Variant y = Variant([x,x,x,x])
//y could be simplified to Variant(int[]) instead of Variant(Variant(int)[])
//now it is not implemented (as far i know)

Also if want to know if using Variant internally for a scripting language is recommendable ( or acceptable) I am facing the problem? writing my weird language ( https://github.com/zkp0s/Dw fell free to comment on it __not finished__)

Excuse me if I wrote in the wrong newsgroup. I didn't know where to put it, .learn .D or .annouce ( Dw)

Thanks for reading

One of Variant's design goals is to be used for interfacing/implementing scripting languages. So, yes, I'd say it's both recommended and acceptable. In fact, I'd encourage you to post to the newsgroup or bugzilla any rough edges you run into with variant. I've been working on an update to it which fixes all current bugzilla issues and implements a runtime-reflection system. (https://jshare.johnshopkins.edu/rjacque2/public_html/variant.mht, https://jshare.johnshopkins.edu/rjacque2/public_html/variant.d)

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