On Tuesday, February 01, 2011 15:07:58 Walter Bright wrote:
> Bruno Medeiros wrote:
> > A more serious issue that I learned (or rather forgotten about before
> > and remembered now) is the whole DVCSes keep the whole repository
> > history locally aspect, which has important ramifications. If the
> > repository is big, although disk space may not be much of an issue,
> I still find myself worrying about disk usage, despite being able to get a
> 2T drive these days for under a hundred bucks. Old patterns of thought die
> hard.

And some things will likely _always_ make disk usage a concern. Video would be 
good example. If you have much video, even with good compression, it's going to 
take up a lot of space. Granted, there are _lots_ of use cases which just don't 
take up enough disk space to matter anymore, but you can _always_ find ways to 
use up disk space. Entertainingly, a fellow I know had a friend who joked that 
he could always hold all of his data in a shoebox. Originally, it was punch 
cards. Then it  was 5 1/4" floppy disks. Then it was 3 1/2" floppy disks. Then 
was CDs. Etc. Storage devices keep getting bigger and bigger, but we keep 
ways to fill them...

- Jonathan M Davis

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