On 02/10/2011 06:43 AM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"bearophile"<bearophileh...@lycos.com>  wrote in message

auto x;
if (localtime().hours>= 8) {
    x = "awake!"
} else {
    x = "asleep, go away."
log "I'm " + x;

That would be really nice to have in D. There's been many times I've needed
to move a declaration up one scope from its initialization and was therefore
forced to get rid of the "auto". Not a major problem obviously, but that
sure would be nice.

I don't like that at all. The second main feature of staticity if self-doc code. How is one, as a reader, supposed to guess what x is and means? I'm not a great fan of auto, neither, use it would happily live w/o it, except for functions operating on ranges, that return types coming from who-knows where (certainly another planet).

vita es estrany

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