Here is a comment by Jeff_S, near the bottom of the comments re Microsoft taking over Nokia.

I now worry that the wonderful Qt C++ GUI library, that Nokia now owns with it's acquisition of Trolltech a few years ago, will now founder in stagnation.

The optimist in me hopes that it will ported to Win Phone 7. But the realist in me says "fat chance". With this huge deal with MS, and Qt being cross platform, and MS being all about MS platforms and dev tools, Qt is now likely toast. Sad.

Good thing it's open source. It will still have life as a separate open source entity, but without the paid developers at Nokia working on it, it's progress will slow dramatically. There is only so much slack the community is capable of taking up.

I'm also scratching my head on this, in terms of what Nokia gets out of this. They are essentially trading a larger, more successful, more established, platform and ecosystem (Symbian) and large developer mind share, for a much smaller, much less successful, much less developer mind share platform and ecosystem (Win Phone 7 and Silverlight).

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