retard wrote:
Mon, 14 Feb 2011 10:01:53 -0800, Walter Bright wrote:

retard wrote:
Mon, 14 Feb 2011 04:44:43 +0200, so wrote:

Unfortunately DMC is always out of the question because the
performance is 10-20 (years) behind competition, fast compilation
won't help it.
Can you please give a few links on this?
What kind of proof you need then? Just take some existing piece of code
with high performance requirements and compile it with dmc. You lose.
That link shows dmc winning.

No, it doesn't. In the Fib-50000 test where the optimizations bring largest improvements in wall clock time, g++ 3.3.1, vc++7, bc++ 5.5.1, and icc are all faster with optimized settings.

And dmc is faster with Fib-25000.

This test is a joke anyway.

You picked these benchmarks, not me.

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