Am 16.02.2011 10:25, schrieb spir:
On 02/16/2011 03:36 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
 Initial: 58 seconds.

 Eliminated the switch in popFront: 53s.

 Replaced emplace with assignment: 23s.

 Specialized emplace for non-struct types, reinserted: 23s.

 Eliminated the loop in empty (replaced with return ranges[0].empty;): 17s.

 I'm sure there are ways to further improve this, but there are a few
 difficulties. Each pass through the loop the code must transport values from
 the two arrays into a specific format and then distribute them for further
 calculation. Then, upon each popFront two words must be touched because arrays
 hold pointer+length, not pointer+pointer (as probably would be better since
 ranges are around).

 Nice analysis!

Bearophile, is clay's zip func lazy. Else, it could explain part of its
performance, don't you think?


why should it - what can lazyness help here?

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