Am 22.02.2011 05:54, schrieb %u:
 That's pretty good. Almost all of those things are standard C.
 LDIV and UDIV could easily be eliminated.
 __except_list is a null asm label (it is FS:[0]).

 So the main problematic ones are:
 _xi_a , __acrtused_con, the __fp functions, and _Ccmp

 So how to tackle that?

I'm really glad that this issue is being looked into. I've literally
wasted days (if not a few weeks) getting another to work instead of
SNN.lib, and I think that the ultimate culprit that prevented things
from working was _xi_a.
I couldn't figure out how to solve it; I'm not sure if it was the
root cause, but I think it interfered with thread-static data,
and/or the garbage collector.

What does _xi_a even do? Is it anything more than just a marker
inside the executable?

some light in the darkness...

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