On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:51:56 -0500, Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisp...@gmx.com> wrote:

I'm not entirely against named arguments being in D, however I do think that any functions that actually need them should be refactored anyway. So, ultimately, I'm not sure that they're really all that useful. I'm sure that they'd be useful upon occasion, but if you actually need them, then your function is taking too
many arguments.

In actuality, if I were to vote on whether named arguments should be in the language, I would definitely vote against it (I just plain don't want the code clutter, and they strike me as a crutch to avoid writing functions with good signatures in spite of their usefulness in some situations), but I can see why
some people might want them.

Although I am not strongly for named arguments, I think they would be a definite improvement.

Bearophile brought up one of the strongest cases for them:

foo(int width, int height) {}

Seems simple enough, I don't see how you have "too many arguments", but the call looks like this:

foo(123, 456);

So, looking at this call, can you tell which is width and which is height? I've seen some libs that use width and height do height first also. I usually have to go look up the API every time I'm reading/writing one of these.

But this is perfectly clear and resists API changes/differences:

foo(width: 123, height: 456);

The cool part about this is, named arguments are not required -- you can always just not use them. But when you do use them, the code becomes much clearer.


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