On 2011-03-04 11:31, J Chapman wrote:
== Quote from Jacob Carlborg (d...@me.com)'s article
On 2011-03-03 17:29, Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
As mentioned in the "std.path.getName(): Screwy by design?" thread, I
started working on a rewrite of std.path a long time ago, but I got
sidetracked by other things.  The recent discussion got me working on it
again, and it turned out there wasn't that much left to be done.

So here it is, please comment:



- Most functions work with all string types, i.e. all permutations of
mutable/const/immutable(char/wchar/dchar)[].  Notable exceptions are
toAbsolute() and toCanonical, because they rely on std.file.getcwd()
which returns an immutable(char)[].

- Correct behaviour in corner cases that aren't covered by the current
std.path.  See the other thread for some examples, or take a look at the
unittests for a more complete picture.

- Saner naming scheme.  (Still not set in stone, of course.)

How about functions for getting common directories like the home and
temp directory.

They'd belong in a separate module - std.environment?

Yeah, that might be a better idea.

/Jacob Carlborg

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