Am 2011-03-03 00:18, schrieb %u:
What pisses me off is the Issac Guy doesn't want to support D in the great 
language benchmark. It's very important utlity for developers. Most coders with 
C and C++ mentality look the charts and only use the top-2 languages, that is C 
and C++. If D was there, we could get more users right now, because the 
optimization benefits make DMD the fastest. Probably even hundreds of 
enterprises go there to see what language to use. Everyone knows TIOBE is a 
joke, but this benchmark is probably the most important language benchmark in 
the web. D is not listed :-(

I've been donating few hundred bucks annually to wikipedia, but the deletionist 
news force me to rethink this. I could donate them to Issac if he just 
supported our language. Must not be that hard?

You speak about right? They had D listed but I don't know why they removed it. See

And D is listed on it's just not in the top 20 list.


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