spir Wrote:

> On 03/06/2011 04:27 PM, foobar wrote:
> >>> Are there other concerns?
> >> >
> >> >  I think that every individual variable, function and type in Phobos 
> >> > should
> >> >  use the naming convention of whatever random language the author 
> >> > happened to
> >> >  be thinking of when they wrote it. That way Phobos won't seem messy. 
> >> > Plus,
> >> >  the lack of any sensible rules would make it super-easy to remember all 
> >> > the
> >> >  different spellings, punctuations and capitalizations.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> > I would also add to the above excellent point that in order to prevent 
> > unworthy people of programming in the holly D programming language we must 
> > require every D programmer to be fluent in English, Latin and Greek 
> > (including cultural references to movies and such), have *at least* expert 
> > Unix hacking credentials, have a certified MSFT engineering diploma, be 
> > Guru level programmers in all of the following: c, c++, Haskell, Perl, APL, 
> > AND, lest we forget, they must code ONLY in a terminal based text-editor 
> > with 80 character wide lines.
> Thus, if I understand correctly, the D community finally let down all 
> prerequisites in fields of mathematical logics, philosophy of language, and 
> metaphysics of automata? Or what?
> Denis
> -- 
> _________________
> vita es estrany
> spir.wikidot.com

Oh my, I forgot those! 

Don't be silly, The D prerequisites can only grow. It is cosmologically 
impossible to remove anything since it is written in punch-cards (which is 
worse than writing in stones).

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