On Sat, 05 Mar 2011 19:15:17 -0500, kenji hara <k.hara...@gmail.com> wrote:

2011/3/4 Steven Schveighoffer <schvei...@yahoo.com>:
Also, keep in mind that I think UFCS should be restricted to builtins only (i.e. primitives + arrays, not AA's, since they map to a struct that can be customized in druntime). To provide multiple ways for one to add members to
classes/structs causes huge ambiguity/hijacking issues.

I think the ambiguity/hijacking will be resolved by overload set.
You do?

The problem is when there is a conflict between an actual member funtion, and a free function which takes the type as its first argument.

Who wins? The obvious choice is the member function. But let's say the member function is added to the type long after the external function exists. People who have written code that uses the external function via UFCS all of a sudden are now calling the member function, without warning. This is a form of hijacking.

You could say an ambiguous case should be an error, but then someone is able to issue a sort of "denial of service" attack by simply defining a free function which coincides with a member function.

With builtins, there is no conflict. You cannot define member functions for integers or for arrays, so the ambiguity is gone.

And let's also not forget the WTF factor of when you read code that uses a UFCS function, where would be the first place you look for it? In the class or struct.

I see almost no benefit for having UFCS on classes and structs. It is already possible to add member functions to those types, and the difference between x(y) and y.x() is extremely trivial. If anything, this makes member functions lose their specificity -- a member function is no longer attributed to the struct or class, it can be defined anywhere.


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