On 12/03/11 04.54, Daniel Gibson wrote:
Am 12.03.2011 04:40, schrieb dsimcha:
On 3/11/2011 10:14 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Friday, March 11, 2011 18:29:42 dsimcha wrote:
3. std.stdio.File should be moved to the new stream module but publicly
imported by std.stdio. It should also grow some primitives that make it
into an input range of characters. These can be implemented with
buffering under the hood for efficiency.

??? Why? File is not a stream. It's a separate thing. I see no reason
to combine
it with streams. I don't think that the separation between std.stdio and
std.stream as it stands is a problem. The problem is the design of

- Jonathan M Davis

Isn't file I/O a pretty important use case for streams, i.e. the main

Network I/O is also very important.

BTW, Andrei proposed a stream API a while ago[1] which was also
discussed back than - can't we use that as a basis for further
discussions about streams?

By the way, I'd prefer class-based streams (and even Andrei proposed
that in aforementioned discussion).

- Daniel


I like this proposal.

And regarding the question about non-blocking streams then I'm definitely a proponent of this. The standard C++ library streaming support is really not geared towards this and therefore it is difficult to get non-blocking streaming right.


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