%u Wrote:

> I agree with a), but not b), Can't find anything in unicode standard says
> you can use the low surrogate like that

According to: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/

    According to ISO 10646-1:2000, sections D.7 and 2.3c, a device
    receiving UTF-8 shall interpret a "malformed sequence in the same way
    that it interprets a character that is outside the adopted subset" and
    "characters that are not within the adopted subset shall be indicated
    to the user" by a receiving device. A quite commonly used approach in
    UTF-8 decoders is to replace any malformed UTF-8 sequence by a
    replacement character (U+FFFD), which looks a bit like an inverted
    question mark, or a similar symbol. 

Refer to this file for the above quote: 


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