A lot of work is going on around D. However I can't really fit the pieces 
together to see how everything works.

Bad quality

One problem is the large amount of obsolete data ( 
http://www.dsource.org/projects/dmdfe )

Dsource is The place for D projects. The problem with dsource is if you're a 
serious professional and need professional quality libraries and tools, dsource 
does nothing in the way of supporting these types of users. The sections are 
filled with small hobby projects such as 
http://www.dsource.org/projects/libcalc. What I'm looking for is somehing that 
emphasizes the names of "important" projects. For example standard 
parallel/concurrency/server/socket/vfs libraries are a first class priority. It 
takes a day to browse through the list of mediocre crap.

Status reports

http://www.dsource.org/projects/dmd/roadmap is empty. 
http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/future.html is totally uninformative. This is 
a really terrible joke. Where is the list of incompatibilities between TDPL and 
DMD/LDC/GDC? Why don't libraries come with [alpha], [beta], [stable] tags. It's 
hard to choose between 5 different implementations if you need to ask 
personally from the authors via IRC. Take a look at:

Where is the status reports of feature proposals? I know bugzilla contains a 
lot of data, but it gives no interface to quickly analyze the latest feature 
changes. Newsgroup threads often discuss useless things (CRT displays and 
whether black-on-white is better than white-on-black in a feature proposal 
threads). Nick Sabalausky and Walter Bright are worst trolls in this regard, 
hijacking every thread to spread off-topic talk.

I've tried to advertise D to colleagues. What they're interested in is a) 
library and tool support b) quality of apidocs c) progress reports (milestones, 
release history, other plans) d) mailist list quality. Currently my answers 
have been a) it's getting better, don't know when b) it's getting better, don't 
know when and how c) don't know d) digitalmars.d is full of trolls and 
off-topic stuff, the closed mailing lists are better, but don't have much 
traffic. Typical conclusion is, D is too immature.

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