On 03/17/2011 05:03 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
On 3/17/2011 1:49 PM, dsimcha wrote:
== Quote from Walter Bright (newshou...@digitalmars.com)'s article
On 3/17/2011 12:32 PM, dsimcha wrote:
I've asked for this before and I'll ask again: Can we **please** put an
alwaysAssert() function (or an abbreviation of this to make it less
verbose) in
Phobos? I proposed this once before and it wasn't well liked for
some reason
This reminded me to persist a little about it.
Not always the prettiest, but you can write:
if (!condition) assert(0);
The assert(0) will be replaced with a HLT instruction even in release

This is better than nothing, but not enough to convince me to stop
enforce(). I much prefer to have a real alwaysAssert() function that
gives a
file, a line number and an error message.

if (!condition) { writeln("my message %s %s", __FILE__, __LINE__);
assert(0); }

I am strongly opposed to using enforce() for bug detection.

There's nothing wrong with encapsulating this idiom (if frequent). That's what essentially alwaysAssert does. So you're right but without contradicting dsimcha's suggestion.


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