On Mar 18, 11 04:17, Jason E. Aten wrote:
auto x1=1., x2=2., x3=3., x4=4., x5=5, x6=6.;

If the coder wanted them to all be doubles, it's easy to require that by
just saying so, and then even x5 will be a double.

double x1=1., x2=2, ...

So it seems to me that auto does exactly what you asked it to here, and I
actually prefer this behavior for conciseness and expressiveness sake.

auto x1 = templateFunctionWithComplicatedReturnType("a"),
     x2 = templateFunctionWithComplicatedReturnType("b"),
     x3 = templateFunctionWithComplicatedReturnType('c'),
     x4 = templateFunctionWithComplicatedReturnType("d");

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