On 18.03.2011 17:34, lenochware wrote:
Hello, I have array of type vertex_t vertices[] where vertex_t is:

struct vertex_t {
   float[3] xyz;
   ubyte[4] color;

Now, I would like use instead of array "float[3] xyz" "vec3f xyz", where vec3f 

struct vec3f {
   float x, y, z;

...some functions...

where I have defined some operators for adding and multipliing vectors etc.

Is it possible? "xyz" must be exactly 3 floats in memory because I am sending
vertices array pointer into OpenGL rendering pipeline.
Will be struct vec3f represented just like 3 floats - aren't here some
additional metadata - because structure contains also some functions?

There is no metadata in structs. The only thing there is padding in order to align the fields. But floats have a size of 4 and alignment the same, so your vec3f will be exactly 12 bytes without any problem (done it myself for OpenGL)

My additional question: What about effectivity? I would like keep struct
vertex_t as simple as possible, because I need do calculations fast. Will have
replacing float array to structure some impact on speed?

depends: When you want to to a component-wise vector multiplication, you want the compiler to use SSE and alike. With
float[3] a,b,c;
c[] = a[]*b[];
That will probably work (that is one reason the []-notion exists in the first place). But with
vec3f a,b,c;
c.x = a.x*b.x; c.y=a.y*b.y; c.z=a.z*b.z;
it really depends on the quality of the compiler if it sees the opportunity for optimisation.

If you want to be sure, I suggest the following:
struct vec3
        float[3] data;
        vec3 opMul(vec3 other) {
                vec3 tmp = this;
                tmp.data[] *= other.data[];

As a last note: When you do OpenGL, the biggest part of calculations should be done on the GPU, so the few on the CPU might not be performance critical at all. But that depends of course on the exact thing you want to do.

- Krox

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