I would say it is a bug in the contract.
The signature is not normalized and the user gets a chance to provide
conflicting parameters. I think that it would be best to deduce the direction from the order of the start and end parameters. Then the stepsize can be made

Am 18.03.2011 09:14, schrieb Kagamin:
So this is a bug? This is a contract, not a validation of user input.
struct Iota(N, S) if ((isIntegral!N || isPointer!N)&&  isIntegral!S)
     private N current, pastLast;
     private S step;
     this(N current, N pastLast, S step)
         enforce((current<= pastLast&&  step>  0) ||
                 (current>= pastLast&&  step<  0));
         this.current = current;
         this.step = step;

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