== Quote from Lars T. Kyllingstad (public@kyllingen.NOSPAMnet)'s article
> On Fri, 04 Mar 2011 21:05:39 +0000, Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
> > David Simcha has made a proposal for an std.parallelism module to be
> > included in Phobos.  We now begin the formal review process.
> >
> > The code repository and documentation can be found here:
> >
> >   https://github.com/dsimcha/std.parallelism/wiki
> >   http://cis.jhu.edu/~dsimcha/d/phobos/std_parallelism.html
> I would like to remind everyone that there is now only one week left of
> the std.parallelism review period.  If you have any comments, please
> speak now, so that David has time to make the changes.
> I realise that the module has been through several review cycles already,
> and that it is already in active use (by me, among others), so there
> probably won't be any big issues.  However, if it gets voted into Phobos,
> that's it -- it will be an official part of the D standard library.  So
> start nitpicking, folks!
> The voting will start next Friday, 25 March, and last for a week, until 1
> April.
> -Lars

It's kinda interesting--I don't know at all where this lib stands.  The 
silence for the past week makes me think one of two things is true:

1.  std.parallelism solves a problem that's too niche for 90% of D users, or

2.  It's already been through so many rounds of discussion in various places
(informally with friends, then on the Phobos list, then on this NG) that there
really is nothing left to nitpick.

I have no idea which of these is true.

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