Nick Sabalausky Wrote:

> These module constructor "Cyclic dependencies" errors are really starting to 
> piss me off. I feel like I'm back in the days when you'd sneeze and DMD 
> would vomit out 100 forward reference errors just because you didn't write 
> your whole damn app in one giant ultra-module. (/me takes a breather to 
> chill out...Ok...)
> I don't suppose there's any chance we could get a quick little:
> import foo;
> pragma(staticCtorsAvoid, foo);
> // Or
> pragma(staticCtorsRunBefore, foo);
> // Or
> pragma(staticCtorsRunAfter, foo);
> static this()
> {
>     // do trivial shit that doesn't touch foo
> }

Could module-level globals be treated like local variables to the static 
constructor for the purpose of checking purity?

static this() pure
  // trivial stuff
  // calls weakly pure functions
  // writes module-level globals
  // reads module-level globals
  // etc...

That's compiler enforceable and effectively means that stati constructor does 
not count as part of a cyclic dependency...

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