"dsimcha" <dsim...@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> On 3/21/2011 7:55 PM, nedbrek wrote:
>> The main architectures (x86 and ARM) are both byte granular.  Most 
>> embedded
>> platforms are also byte granular.  Alpha is the only architecture I am 
>> aware
>> of that had this problem.  Possibly other old/high performance ones...
>> (Cray, 360, etc.)
> Excellent.  I highly doubt we care about std.parallelism working on 
> embedded platforms.  (Who the heck has a multicore embedded CPU anyway?)

Parallax's Propeller microcontroller has 8 cores. But it's so low-memory 
that I doubt D would be appropriate for it. Someone did manage to make a C 
compiler for it, but even that involved some compromises (although not as 
many as the Propeller's built-in SPIN language).

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