On 03/23/2011 02:40 PM, Bruno Medeiros wrote:
The first two items (LexingandParsing, ANTLRandJavabasedDparserforIDEusage) are 
fairly concrete ideas.
The last one, D Tools in D is far more general, and can involve a lot of
different things

It is instead more specific: "The aim is to boost the production of fundamental tools for analysis of D source code in D: lexical, syntactic, at best first steps of semantic analysis; producing code representations as D data structures."

Its usefulness /in the long term/ can be said more general in that it would enable *further* creation of D tools in D (*), potentially useful to all D programmers. Unlike eg a general-purpose parsing lib in D which is specific to the parsing domain; on the other hand, a general-purpose parsing lib does not parse only D code ;-).

(*) See (again): http://prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?GSOC_2011_Ideas#DtoolsinD

vita es estrany

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