On Thu, 24 Mar 2011 21:37:12 +0800, KennyTM~ wrote:

> On Mar 24, 11 19:00, sclytrack wrote:
>> == Quote from piotrek (star...@tlen.pl)'s article
>>> On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 23:17:32 +0100, Alvaro wrote:
>>>> D already has a long list of keywords, reserved words can't be used
>>>> as identifiers, which can be annoying. "body" in particular is a
>>>> common noun that programmers would gladly use as a variable name in
>>>> physics simulation, astronomy, mechanics, games, health, etc. I think
>>>> "body" can be removed from D with no harm, and with the benefit of
>>>> allowing the name as identifier.
>>> yes, please
>>> body is also a html tag
>>> Cheers
>>> Piotrek
>> Copied the following line from the Vala (=mostly reference counted
>> language) web page.
>> "It is possible to use a reserved keyword as identifier name by
>> prefixing it with the @ character. This character is not part of the
>> name. For example, you can name a method foreach by writing @foreach,
>> even though this is a reserved Vala keyword."
>> My body is hungry and starving.
> How is this better than _body or body_?

I think "@" is a little bit nicer, but it doesn't change the situation at all . 
body (if possible) shouldn't be a keyword.
Can anyone from the steering group state his opinion? :)


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