On 3/22/2011 6:04 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
I've now finished the port of Dominic Sayers' PHP is_email function
(http://www.dominicsayers.com/isemail) and sending it for review.

A few comments:

* Due to limitations in std.regex some unit tests fail and are out

* Due to some bugs (4673, 5744) in Phobos this module contains private
functions with fixes for these bugs

* The DNS check is not implemented resulting in a few out commented unit

Github: https://github.com/jacob-carlborg/phobos/tree/isemail
Documentation: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18386187/isemail.html

Two questions:

1. When is this module scheduled for a vote? The review process has fizzled out. This may be because the module is so simple that noone has any major issues. It solves a simple problem (at a conceptual level--this is not meant to trivialize the detail work of implementing the standard correctly) with a correspondingly simple interface, so I'm already a "yes". It may also be because there's no urgency since there's no looming vote date.

2. Is voting for one module allowed to run concurrently with reviewing for another? I'm thinking about how we'll manage the review queue while voting on this module.

I propose we keep review open through March 28 (one full week of review), then vote. If there are major suggestions that Jacob needs extra time to consider or implement, the review can be stashed (like my std.parallelism review was) to allow time for this. Otherwise, voting runs from the 29th through April 4.

Next in queue would be an un-stashing of std.parallelism. I propose that we have one additional week of review for this concurrently with the vote for std.net.isemail, then have the std.parallelism vote right after the isemail vote. std.parallelism has been through a lot of review already, so despite its complexity it probably doesn't need more than a week of additional review.

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