Hello everyone,

I've been following with interest the three preliminary proposals made so far: ANTLR grammar by Luca Boasso, containers by Ishan Thilina, Thrift bindings by David Nadlinger aka klickverbot, and database API by Christian Manning.

There are many issues to consider when looking over such a project proposal, and there's no quick and easy formula. The considerations include:

- Project impact: what would be the impact of the project? What consequences for D's adoption can be expected following the project?

- Project's chances of succeeding: what is the assessment that the project can be completed within the timeframe?

- Student match: what is the match between the student's initial skill set and the project?

- Mentor match: is there a strong mentor for the project?

Here are a few considerations regarding the three pre-submission proposals discussed herein:

1. ANTLR grammar for D

I think this is a feasible project. My main concern remains the projected impact. If the project is meant to build an ANTLR parser on the off chance that someone will later use it for Eclipse integration or otherwise, then there are serious concerns about the impact.

If, on the other hand, the project is focused on Eclipse integration (perhaps starting from an existing similar project) and uses an ANTLR-based parser as a mechanism to achieve that goal, then the impact would be significant. However, there is the concern that the scope of the project might be too large to be finished in time. So I recommend attention in defining the definition and scope of the project when writing the proposal.

The fact that we already have a good, supporting mentor in Bruno for an Eclipse project should help a lot.

2. Containers

I'd need to hear a lot more about this proposal before making an impression of it. From the little I gathered so far, I think this would be a difficult project to carry through. At this point D's containers need less solid coding but more design. Such design artifacts are most likely to come from an experienced member of the community. Starting from scratch in understanding the issues involved up to the level of making a solid contribution is possible, but difficult.

3. Thrift bindings

This is by far the best proposal we have so far. It comes from an established member of the community who has a good understanding of D, and is likely to boost adoption of D at companies that use service-oriented architectures, and Facebook in particular. If the project will be of adequate quality, I should be able to contribute it to the Thrift mainline. The impact could be decisive.

4. Database API

This is a high impact item. I'd need to collect more information about the specifics of the application before creating an opinion about its chances of success. I see Piotr and others have some related ideas; I suggest them to apply appropriately (either as mentors or students). A solid mentor(s)/student(s) combo is a key ingredient of a successful project.



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