bearophile wrote:
Russel Winder:

Perhaps this needs review.  All modern language now have this as an
integral way of describing a sequence of values.

We have discussed about this not too much time ago. See the enhancement request:

D language design is too much un-orthogonal about this, and I'd like to see 
this situation improved.

Currently there are several separated syntaxes and means to specify an interval:

1) foreach interval syntax, no stride allowed and the interval is open on the 

foreach (i; 0 .. 100)

2) Using iota, a badly named range, for intervals open on the right, it 
supports an optional stride:

foreach (i; iota(100))

But empty intervals have different semantics. This runs with no errors, the 
foreach doesn't loop:

void main() {
    foreach (i; 0 .. -1) {}

Looks like a bug to me.

3) The switch range syntax, it uses two dots still, it's closed on the right:

import std.range;
void main() {
    char c = 'z';
    bool good;
    switch (c) {
        case 'a': .. case 'z':
            good = true;
            good = false;

But the syntax is NOT case a..b, it's case a .. case b.
a..b always has intervals open on the right. There are no exceptions.

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