Matthias Pleh Wrote:

> Am 05.04.2011 08:20, schrieb Kagamin:
> > Matthias Pleh Wrote:
> >
> >> This were the requirments for the GUI library:
> >> - Corss-platform (Win/linux)
> >> - not just a port, but adjusted to the language
> >> - mostly written in this language, so you can easy debug the lib,
> >>     this means no wrapper library, just system libraries
> >>     (Though gtk+ on linux would hold as a system library so GtkD for
> >> linux would be OK, but not on Windows!
> >> - obviously suitable license for a commercial product
> >>
> >> Unfortunately All known GUI-libraries for D fails on this requirments
> >> So the choice has fallen to C++/Qt
> >
> > Qt doesn't fulfill the requirement for "just system libraries".
> <quote>
> This were the requirments for the GUI library:
> </quote>
> Qt is here not the requirement, but rather the GUI library itself

I mean, Qt fails on these requirements just like any other GUI library.

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