David Wang wrote:
My understanding is that Code::Blocks only supports code
completion for D because their fuzzy C++ parser can sometimes
parse D successfully, and that they don't plan to support D
directly. Has this changed?
Acturally everytime when CodeBlocks parses D will be failed. :(
And for there is no code developer of CodeBlocks using and familar
with D Language, so the support for D will stop here and there's
no further plan in a time.
This was discussed earlier on the Code::Blocks forum, too:
It should still "work" with D and GDC, but will need to be
developed and extended further to better support D2 and DMD.
So, if someone be kindly and have the ability to modify the
CodeBlocks source code (svn checkout
http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/codeblocks/trunk), will be a
great help in extending D's IDE for cross-platform area.
(CodeBlocks supports Linux, Windows, OS X, FreeBSD, etc.)
Basically the first step is to introduce a "D" language,
since it currently only knows C/C++... (The D support is
treating itself like a "strange variant of a C++ compiler")
Then write lexing/codecompletion/wizard code to handle it.