On 2011-04-10 17:39:03 -0400, KennyTM~ <kenn...@gmail.com> said:

On Apr 9, 11 04:26, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
We discussed this first in the GUI library thread, but since it
meandered so much, I decided to split off into a new subject. Much
of what I say here will be old to anyone who saw the previous thread.
There's some new stuff nearer to the bottom though.

I, with input from others, have started writing a little module
for simple uses of a display. You can write to a bitmap, display it
to a window, and handle events all in an easy way. The basics are
cross platform, but you can use native function calls too.


It's still very much in progress, but I think it's now at the point
where the direction I'm taking it is clear.


Thanks for the great work!

Taking the version on that link, I have ported it to use the native Cocoa/Core Graphics in OS X, instead of X11. You can check out the diff in https://github.com/kennytm/simpledisplay.d/commit/a790.

Nice, you're the second one to do that. :-) (I made a Cocoa port of the earlier version when all there was to do was image.display(), but I didn't release the code.)

The major difference between our approaches is that I made it by putting Objective-C code in a separate Objective-C file instead of doing that objc_msgSend boilerplate directly in D.

Only Snow Leopard (10.6) is supported.

I have only tested that it works on the pendulum example and the HSL picker, so things like drawText and drawPixel may not work properly yet. The implementation part is quite messy right now due to Objective-C.

Ideally we'd be using the extern(Objective-C) syntax I'm working on, but I still have polishing to do on that thing before it's ready to be integrated in mainline DMD (and then it'll probably take some time before Walter reviews and applies the pull request) so it's not an option right now.

Michel Fortin

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