What he said. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 12, 2011, at 12:53 AM, Don <nos...@nospam.com> wrote:

> dsimcha wrote:
>> This message is to formally request a resumption of the review for 
>> std.parallelism, now that Jacob has submitted a pull request for 
>> std.net.isemail and GSoC proposals aren't taking up most of the community's 
>> attention.  I suggest one additional week of review, since the module has 
>> had some pretty significant review already, with a week of voting after.  If 
>> significant changes are requested and agreed to by me, votes can be 
>> contingent on the changes being made before committing std.parallelism to 
>> Phobos.
>> Lars Kyllingstad is the review manager and Andrei is unofficially the BDFL 
>> of Phobos, so both please approve this.
>> Code:
>> https://github.com/dsimcha/std.parallelism/blob/master/parallelism.d
>> Docs:
>> http://cis.jhu.edu/~dsimcha/d/phobos/std_parallelism.html
> Extremely important functionality, and a solid piece of work. It's already a 
> higher standard than most of Phobos.
> I think it's pretty obvious that this should be included.

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