On 04/13/2011 01:12 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 4/13/11 2:04 PM, Kai Meyer wrote:
On 04/13/2011 12:46 PM, Jesse Phillips wrote:
Kai Meyer Wrote:

Ok, how should I go about this then?

-Kai Meyer

Send the updated RPMs to Walter after each release. If you have an
easy tool to build them you can ask Walter if he would like it. Note
he likes bash files because he can review what they are doing easily.

As in email them directly to him?

RPM spec files rely heavily on shell scripts. If he likes bash, he'll
love rpmbuild.

-Kai Meyer


It would be indeed great to automate this once and for all.

We have an installer project at
https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/installer. If you create a
pull request for that project, I'd be glad to review and integrate it.

If you need help with creating a pull request on github, feel free to
ask here - several contributors are quite familiar with such.



Great, I'll poke around in the installer project, and see how it goes. Thanks

-Kai Meyer

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