On 04/14/2011 02:51 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
I've always wondered.. how do you detect malicious D code?

It doesn't. What it does is use the ulimit feature in linux to
limit the resources available to each process so they can't do

Try it:

int[] a;
a.length = 5_000_000; // "Memory allocation failed"

for(;;) {} // forcibly terminated by the kernel after ~8 seconds

auto f = File("cool_a_file", "wt");
for(int a = 0; a<  10_000; a++)
   f.writefln("%d", a);

// reports success, but the file is actually only 8 kb:

# ls -l cool_a_file
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 8192 2011-04-13 19:22 cool_a_file

# tail -n 2 cool_a_file
18 // you can see it got forcibly cut off

There's file permissions in place that you shouldn't be able to
access anything on there, except reading the system files. It's
a stock Linux install - nothing to see there. Writing is limited
to the scratchspace directory, which isn't public to the web or

What if you tried to fill the disk by creating files in a loop?
You actually can do that, until you're killed for either running
for too long or hitting the scratchspace's disk quota. I don't
know how to prevent that except for disabling files altogether,
and I think that would diminish the usefulness a little. File
examples are fun too.

(note if you do fill the scratchspace, it's not a big deal. It's
garbage collected in a way - the compile helper catches disk
full exceptions and cleans it out when needed. Still, don't do that.)

Access to the network is firewalled too. You can play on localhost
to a degree, but anything to and from the outside world is filtered.
Shouldn't be possible to run a spambot on it, since nothing on
that machine is allowed to call out, not even root.

Keep in mind that DMD lives under similar constraints. If it
goes wild, it will be killed by the kernel before too long too,
and can't make files bigger than about a megabyte. It's limited
to 256 MB of RAM.

This describes the limits in the operating system. There's
additional limits at the VM level, so even if you got root, you
couldn't do much with it. This is why it's also on a separate
domain name than anything else too - if you put a web exploit
on it, there's nothing much to do with that either. Like it's
name says, it's all completely expendable info.

Finally, I snapshotted the VM in a known good state. If you do
root the box, I can always revert to that too (considering writing
a program to automatically revert each day actually, but haven't
gotten around to it yet).

Of course, worst case scenario is I just pull the plug on it. I
hope it never comes to that, but some people are assholes, so
if I have to, it's an option.

Anyway, as you can see, I tried to cover all my bases with enough
fallback plans that I'm not concerned about malicious code at all.

We'd need a sandbox.

vita es estrany

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