On 04/14/2011 04:22 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 4/14/11 6:52 AM, spir wrote:
On 04/14/2011 01:11 AM, bearophile wrote:
* Since most of them don't actually output anything, the program
> now detects output.length == 0 and says "Program run
> successfully." upon completion to give some feedback.
This is a problem. Unittest code is not meant to produce an output,
while online snippets to try are meant to nearly always produce a
meaningful output.

All my unittest blocks produce meaningful output; there exist firstly
for that. Am I an heretic?

No, you're just doing it wrong. Heretic might be sometimes good.


Right, I know that and totally disagree. This rule is IMO the exact opposite of human-friendliness (numerous authors on usability and friends share this opinion, indeed). Also, this is not what I'm talking about: I'm not here expecting just "all fine, brother", but various data helping me and understand how things actually worked; to be short, data useful to the coder during development or debug. See also reply to Steven's post.

vita es estrany

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