On 04/14/2011 09:06 PM, bearophile wrote:
But I guess optionality could, and should, extend to non-ref types; thus, null
>  is just a particular case of non-existence. And this would apply especially 
>  function parameters:
>      void f (int i?) {...}
 From C# experience it seems non-ref nullable types are not so useful (and it's 
not hard to implement them with the language itself).

Dunno C# at all.
But I find optionality far more useful for non-ref types, since in the general case there is no truelly special or invalid value like null. What value means undefined/inexistent/non-provided, for an int? a bool? Unlike for ref'ed types (actual pointers/classes/arrays) we simply cannot express this without language support. This also leads to actual distinction of null and [] or "" for arrays & strings. Just dreaming...

vita es estrany

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