"spir" <denis.s...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> This is a bug of the editor, indeed, but since Geany is based on 
> Scintilla's editon component, I guess this bug may be widely shared.

FWIW, I use Programmer's Notepad 2 which is also based on Scintilla. The 
somewhat older version I've been using (I need to update, just haven't 
gotten around to it yet) doesn't have that problem *because* it doesn't 
recognize D's comments as being multi-line. But I just checked the latest 
version, and it's just like you describe: multi-line strings are highlighted 
correctly, but typing it in unfolds the code that comes after. So it 
probably is a Scintilla issue.

Personally, I don't mind, since I don't use code folding frequently. But I 
can see how that could be annoying. Especially since, just like you, I find 
those "auto-closing" features to just get in my way and I normally turn them 

It's unfortunate, too, since Scintilla does have a lot of good things going 
for it. But then once in a while I'll come across some little thing I wish 
it did differently (for instance, I wish they were receptive to having an 
option for elastic tabstops, and also there's this code folding issue: 
http://code.google.com/p/pnotepad/issues/detail?id=476 ). Heh, Scintilla's 
another one of the 1,000,000 things I'd love to do a D fork of if I had the 

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