On 04/15/2011 03:23 AM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
I'm not certain either, but I *think* partial application is just like
currying except there's some sort of arbitrary limitaion on what
combination(s) of paramaters you can choose to specify or not specify. And
that limitation is based purely on what order the function defines its
parameters. So basically, my understanding is that partial application is an
arbitrarily-gimped currying.

In my understanding they are, while related, distinct like so:

int foo(int x, int y, int z);

int delegate(int, int) p = partiallyApply(&foo, 3);
int delegate(int) delegate(int) delegate(int) c = curry(&foo);

assert (p(4,5) == foo(3,4,5));
assert (c(3)(4)(5) == foo(3,4,5));

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