>> I'm not sure if this is the best place to put this question, but since I'm
guessing people here have managed to get GDC to compile D2, I thought I'd ask:
> D.gnu is the best place for GDC issues and questions.

Ah okay cool. I'll post the code here since you asked but I'll post things there
next time, thanks. :)

>> Does anyone have any ideas how to fix it?
> This is an issue with the way GDC currently handles TLS for MinGW.  It 
> currently
uses GCC emulation to handle TLS.
Yeah, I've run into TLS problems quite a few times before, so I guess this was 
be expected.

>> The command line I ran was:
>> gdc -v2 -o "Temp.exe" "Temp.d"
> Is it possible for you to post the contents of Temp.d?

Sure. It's a file I keep handy on my desktop for writing single-use
programs/scripts. :) (Too bad we can't have "global statements" in D, otherwise 
could easily script with it...)

// Temp.d --------------------------------------------

private import std.algorithm, std.array, std.base64, std.bigint, std.bind,
std.bitmanip, std.compiler, std.complex, std.concurrency, std.container, 
std.cpuid, std.ctype, std.demangle, std.encoding, std.exception, std.file, file 
std.file, std.format, std.functional, std.getopt, std.intrinsic, std.iterator,
std.math, std.md5, std.metastrings, std.mmfile, std.numeric, std.outbuffer,
std.path, std.process, std.random, std.range, std.regex, std.regexp, std.stdio,
std.cstream, std.stream, std.string, std.system, std.traits, std.typecons,
std.typetuple, std.uni, std.uri, std.utf, std.variant, std.c.fenv, std.c.locale,
std.c.math, cprocess = std.c.process, std.c.stdarg, std.c.stddef, cstdlib =
std.c.stdlib, cstring = std.c.string, ctime = std.c.time, std.c.wcharh,
private import core.atomic, core.bitop, core.cpuid, core.dll_helper,
core.exception, core.memory, core.runtime, cstdio = core.stdc.stdio,
core.stdc.wchar_, core.sys.windows.windows, core.thread, core.vararg;

void main(string[] args) { }

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