To elaborate, I mean allowing code which appears to behave surprisingly different from the at-a-glance interpretation, unless the programmer knows the function's signature. I've noticed a worrying adoption in D of this "antipattern", which, frankly, I believe doesn't belong in a well-designed programming language. One classic example of this is passing arguments by reference, something D inherited from C++. For example:

int x, y;
// ...
someObject.updateCoords(x, y);

What can you say about this code? The unobvious and surprising interpretation of it is that updateCoords will change the values of x and y. C# solved this problem neatly by requiring to specify the "ref" keyword before the function arguments:

someObject.updateCoords(ref x, ref y); // much clearer

This problem carries over to lazy parameters, as well. I'll quote a line of code from a recent post by David Simcha:

auto connections = taskPool.workerLocalStorage(new MysqlConnection());

Anyone who is not familiar with std.parallelism and D's lazy parameter feature is going to be very surprised to find out what this code really does. This might be OK for us, experienced D users, but think about the poor bloke who will someday, somewhere try to debug a D program written by someone else, and tear his hair out trying to figure out why an expression passed as an argument to some function isn't being evaluated before/during the function call. (The solution I would suggest is simply having to specify the "lazy" keyword before the expression of each lazy parameter, same as C#'s "ref". This will require updating all usage of "enforce" among other changes.)

I know that I should have brought this up during the module's review phase, so take the following with a grain of salt: in my opinion, std.parallelism's usage of lazy parameters overreaches their intended use and borders into abuse of this language feature. For this reason (and meaning no disrespect towards David and everyone who participated in shaping the module), I am uncomfortable with the inclusion of std.parallelism into the standard D library, as it would carry the message that D's maintainers encourage abusing the language in such ways. (This probably doesn't count as a vote.) For the moment, I would suggest changing all lazy parameters which are evaluated in different contexts (outside of the said function) into delegates, and replacing their usage with delegate literals.

Best regards,

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