On 4/20/11 11:09 AM, Robert Clipsham wrote:
Hey folks,

I've just finished porting my web framework from D1/Tango to D2/Phobos,
and in the transition lost logging functionality. As I'll be writing a
logging library anyway, I wondered if there'd be interest in a std.log?
If so, is there a current logging library we would like it to be based
on, or should we design from scratch?

I know there has been discussion about Google's
http://google-glog.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/glog.html and another
candidate may be http://logging.apache.org/log4j/ . Do we want a
comprehensive logging library, or just the basics? (Possibly with some
method for extension if needed).

Generally, I think a good logging library should:

- be small and simple to use

- allow defining arbitrary backends

- allow switching backends dynamically

- offer compile-time control, including zero overhead "all logging off"

- offer run-time control

I favor glog, which fulfills all of the above.


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