On 04/22/2011 12:24 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
I just made an innocent little change to one of my programs, hit
compile, and got this vomit:

/home/me/d/dmd2/linux/bin/../../src/phobos/std/conv.d(97): Error: template
std.conv.toImpl(T,S) if (!implicitlyConverts!(S,
T)&&  isSomeString!(T)&&  isInputRange!(Unqual!(S))&&
isSomeChar!(ElementType!(S))) toImpl(T,S) if (!implicitlyConverts!(S
,T)&&  isSomeString!(T)&&  isInputRange!(Unqual!(S))&&
isSomeChar!(ElementType!(S))) matches more than one template declar
ation, /home/me/d/dmd2/linux/bin/../../src/phobos/std/conv.d(185):toImpl(T,S)
if (isSomeString!(T)&&  !isSomeChar!(ElementT
ype!(S))&&  (isInputRange!(S) || isInputRange!(Unqual!(S)))) and
:toImpl(T,S) if (is(S : Object)&&  isSomeString!(T))

Whooooo... took a bit to figure out what it was saying. The bottom
line: one of my classes matched both Object and isInputRange because
it offers an unrestricted opDispatch.


Things I think would help:


Or, there's a whole new approach:

e) Duck typing for ranges in to!() might be a bad idea. Again, remember,
a class might legitimately offer a range interface, so it would
trigger this message without opDispatch.

Maybe we could replace template constraints, esp. 'is' stuff, by (structural) interfaces. The difference in my views is structural interface is a compile-time / static feature, while duck typing is runtime/dynamic.

If ranges are meant to be structs, maybe isInputRange should check
is(T == struct)? This doesn't sit right with me though. The real
problem is to!() - other range functions probably don't overload
on classes separately than ranges, so it won't matter there.

I think the best thing to do is simply to prefer Object over range.

toImpl(T) if (isInputRange!(T)&&  (!is(T : Object)))

Or something along those lines. Why? If the object has it's own
toString/writeTo methods, it seems fairly obvious to me anyway that
to!string ought to simply call them, regardless or what else there is.

Sure. I hit and discussed a similar issue (maybe the same one in fact). The problem was with template formatValue which constraints: (1) for structs, ignore programmer-defined toString in favor of standard format for ranges
(2) for classes, simply fail because of conflict (double match)
There's a bug report (search for 'formatValue').

vita es estrany

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