Am 27.04.2011 01:22, schrieb Daniel Gibson:
> Am 27.04.2011 00:58, schrieb bearophile:
>> so:
>>> I agree with others, we need the best documentation we can get on this 
>>> subject.
>> In-place allocation (or generally other forms of manual allocation and 
>> deallocation) of class instances in D2 is a topic well fit for a *long* 
>> article for the iPad2 contest (written for future D programmers coming from 
>> C++ too), and later this good article has to go among the D docs of the 
>> official documentation :-)
>> Bye,
>> bearophile
> The D2 documentation should stop advertising custom allocators via new()
> and delete() and the scope storage class.
> This means and
> (possibly more) should
> be rewritten or adjusted.
> BTW the comparison also lists strong typedefs which are also to be
> deprecated AFAIK.
> Furthermore: Why is emplace() in std.conv? I really wouldn't expect it
> there.. more likely I'd look in std.typecons, because scoped!T() is
> already there and does something related (allocate an object without new).
> And while I'm complaining:
> doesn't list core.stdc.*
> Cheers,
> - Daniel

Oh and should
also be adjusted in "If finalization is desired, use delete
Should probably changed to "If finalization is desired, call clear() on
the Object/struct before calling" or something like that.

I just noticed something regarding clear():
  struct Bar { ... }
  Bar *b = new Bar();
This compiles without any warning, but doesn't call the destructor:
This compiles without any warning and actually does what you'd expect,
i.e. calls destructor:

Is this behavior expected/wanted? If not: Is it a known bug? I couldn't
find it in the bugtracker, but maybe I searched for the wrong keywords.

- Daniel

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