On 4/05/11 4:08 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
For example, should I pass an object around by ref or by value? In C++,
I've got to convert all my -> to . or vice versa, throughout the code.
With D, I just change the alias declaration.

How do you manage to change a pass-by-value to pass-by-reference by changing an alias?


struct Vec3(T) { ... }

T dot(Vec3!T a, Vec3!T b)
  return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z;

/* lots more functions that pass Vec3 by value */

How would you change Vec3!T to be passed by reference by changing an alias param?

In C++, you'd change

T dot(Vec3<T> a, Vec<T> b)


T dot(Vec3<T> const& a, Vec3<T> const& b)

No need to change . to ->

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