On 5/11/11 5:09 PM, Sean Kelly wrote:
On May 11, 2011, at 11:38 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2011-05-10 16:41, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 5/10/11 3:22 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Are you referring to core.runtime.Runtime.args? That is not completely
reliable because:

* You can start a new process, with exec, and then pass in whatever you
want as the first argument to the process.

* If you start an application via a symlink wouldn't that refer to the
symlink instead of the actual executable?

* Also if you're running an application in a bundle on Mac OS X it would
refer to the bundle and not the actual executable, if I recall correctly.

I see. I'll defer ultimate decision on adding getProcessPath to Sean and
Walter. Probably with a little experimentation to clarify motivation,
getProcessPath is a worthy addition.

Sean, Walter, is this worth including?

Yes.  Not sure where it should live though.


Jacob, please write a pull request with documentation (including motivation by comparison with core.Runtime.args), unittests, the works, and provided the quality is up to snuff we'll make sure we merge it in.



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